Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We're JUST Pretty Enough To Be This Stupid: Vol. 3 (Beach Week '08 Edition)

 "In Atlantic City, every night is Saturday night." -Cailen
"Except for Tye Dye Tuesday.  Then it's just Tuesday." -Alexis

"I HAVE AN IDEA!!!" -Ashley, while in the bathroom

"Oh boys.  Boys and their silly parts." -Amy

"You can't do that to me!" -Cailen
"Why not?" -Craig
"Cause your nipples don't matter!" -Cailen

"I'm full of glee you crazy bitch." -Amy to Ashley

(clapping) "Let's fuck Amy!" -Cailen, while playing fuck the dealer

"I'm gonna pee on all of you." -Amy

"I'm not friends with ugly people, let's face it!" -Ashley

"Where should I put my beans..." -Ashley 

"I've never worn concealer a day in my life." -Ashley
"Well aren't you just too perfect for words.  Get out of my mirror you fuckin douche!" -Amy

"Aw look, two big people attached to each other." -Amy

"You only live once..." -Amy
"You might as well have butt sex." -Alexis

"Um, the prince is taking a very long time to pee." -Amy

(In the 50 degree ocean after seeing a bathing suit on the AC boardwalk the night before with an intensely long crotch)
"I wish I had a long vagina." -Alexis
"No that would be worse.  I wish I had an exceptionally short vagina." -Amy

"I'm drinking high school.  High school in a can." -Ali, drinking a Bud Light

"Amy I can hear it!  Can you hear it?!  The pee?!" -Alexis, peeing on the beach while someone was puking in the bathroom

"You know what?  I'm just so happy and content right now." -Amy
"There's a dead bird.  Are you still happy?" -Ashley

"Hey Ashley, remember when I was happy and you showed me dead things?" -Amy

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