Monday, October 6, 2008

How Much Wood Could A Woodchuck Chuck If A Woodchuck Could Chuck Booty Calls

The Booty Call.  If done right, one of life's greatest talents.  And it is a talent.  A booty call can get messy (and I mean it literally in this case although if the guy is a little too anxious a clean up on aisle 6 can occur), so you have to keep a few things in mind.  It's best to leave most, not all but most, emotion out of it.  The best thing to work off of is the physical attraction since chances are the guy or girl is not going to call you the next day, let alone let you sleep over and make you breakfast in the morning.  But what happens when a certain booty call becomes a re-occuring thing, and what exactly is the time period in which one can last?
I seem to have these lingering hook-ups which come and go over a period of a couple years, some more frequent than others.  For sake of anonymity, we'll use code-names for the people I'm going to talk about, even though most of you are well aware of the real identities.  B-22 and I dated for about a year when I was 17 going on 18, and still to this day continue to hook up.  That's 5 years.  True, with B-22 there is a solid friendship and attraction, not to mention ::gasp:: respect grounding us, but still, 5 years is a long time.  We both know that eventually the hook up is going to stop, maybe next week, maybe not until one of us finally gets married.  But B-22 is an extreme case.  Then there's people like Butthead and Douchebag and Eeyore, or Manayunk and Hot English Kid.  All of these have been going on between 1 and 2 years, and some of them actually have some emotion and ex-dating behind them.  But lately I've started to notice that every time I hang out with one of these guys, it is more routine than anything else.  Even Butthead and Douchebag both of whom in the recent past I swore I was falling for, are starting to lose their appeal.  So with these elongated booty calls, does it eventually just turn into something we do because we're bored and just don't have anything to do that night?
For those of us who seem to prefer the over and over's instead of the one night acquaintances (which I wouldn't necessarily classify as a one night stand), at what point do we say, ok I'm done.  Time to find a real boyfriend.
Sometimes a booty call just ends on its own.  Eventually you stop texting each other asking what you're doing that night.  Others entail the "Listen, I kinda started seeing someone" call, even though that someone is usually out of the picture in a few months in which case you DO get the what are you doing tonight text.  I guess the best thing to do is keep it to a 1-2 booty call maximum.  But what the hell do I know- the last serious relationship I had consisted of me going to school and working during the day and my boyfriend working all night.
Either way, random hook ups with a not-so stranger can be fun, it just gets a little tiring after a few years I guess.  Just like me trying to figure out the meaning behind something where the whole point is that there is no meaning at all.  

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